Image Description for DLSCCI-RCAM-Design-Risks
Download Supply Chain Component Inventory is a lightweight inventory process to illuminate invisible risks in a download supply chain.
The following image appears on page 4 of the paper, under the heading "Design Risks":
The following is a written description of all elements present in the image:
- This is a black and white image.
- The heading of the image reads "RCAM model of Risks from Design Deficiencies in the Download Supply Chain".
- A subheading of the image reads "Double-quoted Download Supply Chain Component Inventory Double-quoted paper and supporting materials available at".
- A graphic below the headings shows a vertical line and horizontal line which intersect at an origin.
- On the right side of the horizontal line reads "Complexity, inconsistency, or knowledge gaps".
- At the origin, where the lines intersect, reads "Poor usability or accessibility".
- On the left side of the horizontal line reads "Incomplete or failing product or delivery experiences".
- At the top of the vertical line reads "Impacts to system function or capabilities".
- At the bottom of the vertical line reads "External subversion".
- This concludes the list of elements present in the image.
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